All Reviews


Battlloon – Review

Battlloon is one of the many, many indie games that have made their way on to the Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo switch, while still only getting stronger and seemingly holding its own in the console world, has become one of the platforms of choice for independent developers. attlloon is very


Ape Out – Review

Man, games these days are generally too complicated. This is neither a bad thing nor a good thing, but I find when they are too complicated they become frustrating and it just rips the enjoyment out of it. Dropping this violent, blood-soaked romp in my lap, Ape Out by Digital


Anthem – Review

I’m very hit and miss with grindy game play. Where as I was right into the ‘Diablo 3’ and ‘The Division’, even needing eye drops after a 14 hr session once, I totally missed ‘The Destiny’ train. I’d also like to point out I’m very hit and miss with Bioware


Jump Force – Review

I remember back in my early days getting out of bed early before school an dragging myself in front of TV to watch the latest episode of DragonBall Z, Naruto, One Piece and many others. I’d often think about how cool it would be like if they shared the same


Yiik: A Postmodern RPG – Review

This is a very different RPG, when compared to others in the genre, this isn’t set in a fantasy world, nor in a post apocalyptic world, this my friends is in the modern world, hence the title of the game. Yiik: A Postmodern RPG is a single player game playable


Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown – Review

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is a combat flight action video game developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment and the 7th entry in the long-running Ace Combat series. Well, we’ve ended one year and started another so what does that mean; new games, hardware, news and review’s. Speaking of


Blue Rider – Review

The game has you playing around as a blue spaceship riding and guiding yourself through levels that are littered with enemies of the robotic kind. There are a significant number of different enemy types throughout the game all with their own little quirks and powers. Upon spending some quality time


GRIS Review

“Gris is a hopeful young girl lost in her own world, dealing with a painful experience in her life. Her journey through sorrow is manifested in her dress, which grants new abilities to better navigate her faded reality. As the story unfolds, Gris will grow emotionally and see her world


Screencheat Unplugged Review

Here’s yet another game that ain’t no spring chicken, Screencheat has existed for 4 years, first on PC than Xbox One and PS4 before finally making its way on the Nintendo Switch. The catch phrase for the game is “Split screen shooter where everyone’s invisible” sounds crazy right? But who


Squishies – Review

When you think virtual reality you want to feel as though your literally inside another world no matter which way you look, Squishies does just that and is one of the coolest PSVR implemented games I’ve played. This is a PSVR required game, so you’ll need the headset, the camera,


Warframe – Review

“They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.” – Lotus Warframe does an excellent job of making the player feel cool as you bullet-jump through the


Enter The Gungeon – Nintendo Switch Review

In general, I’m the type of person that needs instant gratification. I don’t have time to muck around, I’m a busy person, so games that require a lot of back tracking, or repeat play don’t necessarily hold my attention or interest very long. However, I found ‘Enter the Gungeon’ by


Doom Nintendo Switch Edition

Nintendo are known for being pretty cookie cutter especially with most of their newer generations of consoles and devices. Wholesome family fun is more what comes to mind, I suppose. That is why, I, and probably a horde of people that own the Nintendo Switch were running down the streets


Gear.Club Unlimited

Car games are my go to for when I want to just relax, bizarre right? There’s just something mind numbing about driving around a track, just concentrating on the black road in front of you. Even in real life, when stuff gets tense, in the car I go, and off



Numantia with its deep roots in the conflict of Rome against Numantia. Includes a strong story driven campaign that delivers an interesting look into the past for both sides of this long-lasting conflict between these two adversaries. With two sides to choose from, starting with Numantia (for which the game


Super Lucky’s Tale

Xbox has a new furry friend for us to play as, it’s a tale about a fox and his name is Lucky. This is a 3D platformer and it can be compared to Yooka Laylee, Crash Bandicoot and Snake Pass and was a launch title for the Xbox One X.


Super Mario Odyssey

Mario is the icon of gaming. There is no debating this. Ask anyone to name a famous gaming character and hands down most people without blinking would say MARIO. Starring in over 200 titles, he is cherished by the young and old in the gaming community, and we are very


Assault Android Cactus

Hey gamers, here’s my latest gaming review for Assault Android Cactus. Personally I had already reviewed this game back in 2015 on Steam, and boss man Lance reviewed it also for the Playstation 4 last year, but i’m here again, this time to review for the Xbox One version. Now,


Call of Duty: WWII

Hold onto your seats gamers, Sledgehammer Games has unleashed a Call of Duty game that brings back boots to the ground, and have gone back in time instead of all that future timeline BS. Call of Duty is a franchise that hasn’t been doing too well over the past few


Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is set in a world where the Nazis have won WWII. Once again, you play as protagonist “BJ” Blazkowicz who is injured during a mission against the Nazi’s back in Wolfenstein: The New Order who then spends 14 years in a coma. Wolfenstein 2: The


Enter The Gungeon – Xbox One Review

Having already released on PC and Playstation 4 on April 5th last year, developer Dodge Roll’s top down, arcade style shooter/dungeon crawler will be available to play on Xbox One exactly one year later and is also said to be releasing on Nintendo Switch at a later date. Offering a



Doom is one of the most recognised and beloved gaming franchises of all time, and after almost 2 decades since the original game, id Software has rebooted the franchise. Single Player throws you straight into the action with minimal tutorial training given. The game expects you to know basic FPS


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